Learn how to START AND DEVELOP AN EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN TRAVEL MINISTRY! Discover the opportunities that a purpose driven travel ministry can create.
Churches and Christian organizations are beginning to realize the difference that an effective travel ministry can make in their community. They are seeing the many advantages and wonderful benefits that travel can create. Leadership is discovering the impact of this ministry tool. They see this travel ministry tool as an avenue to help them accomplish the mission of the church as it supports all the different program ministries. Travel is providing many opportunities for Christians to integrate their faith. Individuals of all ages are having life changing experiences as they participate on leisure trips, mission trips, pilgrimages, cruises, retreats, and adventure travel. Travel offers a very unique and creative way to connect people in ministry. Individuals are becoming more aware and interested in combing their vacations with opportunities to serve. People are blessed as they bless others while serving and vacationing.
The following is just a sampling of the benefits and the values of an effective travel ministry:
- Travel enriches, inspires, educates, encourages, motivates, renews, refreshes and recreates and revives individuals.
- Travel provides individuals the opportunity to use their SHAPE (Spiritual Gifs, Heart/Passion, Abilities, Personality and Experiences) to minister with others.
- Travel appeals to all age groups-Senior Adults, Median Adults, Singles, Couples, Families, Young adults, Youth and Children.
- Travel helps individuals to experience the history, culture, and lifestyles of the world while growing in their faith.
- Travel allows the church to minister to the spiritual, physical, mental, social and emotional needs of individuals.
- Travel helps to reach out to the unbelieving in a non-threatening way, establishing relationships in order to share and bring the unbelieving into a life changing-experience with Jesus Christ.
- Travel helps the church accomplish their core values while supporting each ministry.
- Travel provides community building experiences that will enrich the fellowship of the church family and community.
- Travel encourages meaningful relationships with other believers in order to experience authentic community as a body of Christ! Real Fellowship, Koinonia!
Koinonia Travels and Tours can provide experience leadership and a step-by-step guide to help you and your leadership develop an effective travel ministry. We can help you understand the why, the who, the where, the when, the what and the how to travel with a purpose. We can help you organize to maximize and provide valuable resources that will help your travel team start a new ministry. We have had experience in developing travel ministries and believe in using travel with an intentional purpose. Please Contact us for more information!